

A Fábrica Braço de Prata e o Colectivo Os Suspeitos, convidam-vos para a 3ª Feira do Livro de Fotografia, que terá lugar entre os dias 30 de Novembro e 2 de Dezembro.

Este ano, contamos com a participação da Agence Vu', o alfarabista Alexandria Livros, as edições Almedina, o Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, as edições Assírio & Alvim, a livraria B-Shop Museu Berardo
In.úteis, as livrarias Book House, as edições Braço de Ferro, as Edições 70, a Estação Imagem
Mora, o Colectivo Kamera Photo, as edições Ghost, a Livraria Braço de Prata, The Portolio Project
Reflex Collection, a livraria digital Photo Book Corner e a agência Reuters Pictures, que estarão a dinamizar a sala principal da feira.

Num segundo espaço teremos uma mostra de livros de autor, onde poderão ser consultadas dezenas de projectos únicos e originais, muitos dos quais ainda em fase de concretização. Serão apresentados aqui mais de 30 projectos, de 20 autores diferentes.


Sexta-feira das 17H00 às 22H00
Sábado e Domingo das 15H00 às 21H00



Fábrica Braço de Prata
Rua da Fábrica de Material de Guerra, n.º1
1950-128 Lisboa

Yougo Jeberg


From the series True value I - II


Sam Taylor-Wood

From the series Men Crying

Nadav Kander

From the series The Parade


Hannah Modigh

" Powerful work !!!! "



noun, plural beau·ties.

1. the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

2. a beautiful person, especially a woman.

3. a beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.

4. Often, beauties. something that is beautiful in nature or in some natural or artificial environment.

5. an individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm...  

1. loveliness, pulchritude, comeliness, fairness, attractiveness. 2. belle.

1. ugliness.

Mariana Gruener

From the series Geografías ocultas

Phillip Toledano

From the series A new kind of beauty

"I’m interested in what we define as beauty, when we choose to create it ourselves.
Beauty has always been a currency, and now that we finally have the technological means to mint our own, what choices do we make?

Is beauty informed by contemporary culture? By history? Or is it defined by the surgeon’s hand?
Can we identify physical trends that vary from decade to decade, or is beauty timeless?
When we re-make ourselves, are we revealing our true character, or are we stripping away our very identity?

Perhaps we are creating a new kind of beauty. An amalgam of surgery, art, and popular culture? And if so, are the results the vanguard of human induced evolution?"  
Phillip Toledano

Melanie Cleary


Susan Anderson

From the series High Glitz

Zed Nelson

From the series Love Me
