

Ruggero Rosfer & Shaokun

 An Italian photographer and a Chinese painter, building a bridge between photography and art, East and West.

Rauf Mamedov

Andrzej Dragan

Andrzej Dragan is on the list of two the hundred best advertising photographers according to the prestigious magazine Lurzer's Archive.
Even though his photographs are a little bit gloomy, there’s something very attractive in them,the style is almost
Dickensian in the way he portrays the characters of the subjects in
front of his lens.. I recommend you to take a look.



Rainer Elstermann

"Old Masters", series recreates classic art stapples, but replacing the originals models with children, giving the end results a strange kind of gravitas.

José Maria Mellado

Soledad Córdoba


Hello, all you happy people. You know what?

I just wanted to let you know that I have a brand new blog :]
