
Cedric Delsaux

Beautiful photography by French photographer Cedric Delsaux where he recreates the scenes of Star Wars characters and vehicles with urban wasteland background. The characters are actually model toys superimposed on to shots of Parisian architecture to create the illusion. Cedric Delsaux is an award winner in the newcomer’s France Bourse du Talent competition which stands for Young Talent Award for Photography.

Nous resterons sur Terre (Here to Stay) presents the young artist’s unique vision of mankind’s tenuous relationship with the natural world. Delsaux documents the impact of the dizzying pace of modern industry and consumerism on and across the changing face of the planet. Oversized greenhouses, soaring skyscrapers and endless industrial sprawl are awe-inspiring, hauntingly beautiful evidence not only of man’s ingenuity and drive toward modernity, but also its path toward an ill-conceived and uncertain future. Delsaux captures our increasingly disjointed existence on Earth, one in which the natural world is forsaken in favor of innovation and progress; artificial indoor ski slopes in Dubai and large-scale housing developments speak to this new vision of reality. Ambiguous in design, these images serve as evidence of our collective ambition and allude to the human as well as natural casualties of mass consumption. They question whether one planet, however beautiful, will be adequate to satiate our desires.

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